15 Interesting Stuff About Life in Denmark, One of the Most Joyful Countries in the World

    15 Interesting Stuff About Life in Denmark, One of the Most Joyful Countries in the World

    3:52 PM EST, November 15, 2020

    Denmark is an unusual Scandinavian country, which surprises on many levels. We invite you to the gallery of curiosities about Denmark and its inhabitants.

    #15 Bike Is One of the Main Means of Transport

    Danes love to move on vehicles powered by their own legs. According to some statistics, more than 50% of employees declare that they prefer to commute to work on a bike.


    Cyclists in this country also have their unique signs and signals. This is also supported by the fact that there are numerous bicycle paths in the cities. Therefore, while in Denmark, have a look a few times before you enter the country. And the Danes are learning to ride a bike as soon as they learn how to walk. In Denmark, you can even see unusual garbage cans that are tilted so that you can throw away garbage without getting off the bike.


    #14 Government Takes Care of Everyone


    In Denmark it is difficult to land on the street or be destitute. Current social policy is to help every citizen in case of need. This also means a highly developed health service and social security issues.

    #13 No Homeless Dogs and Cats


    Danes love pets, but they impose restrictions on owners, among other things, you cannot have more than 3 dogs in the house. In turn, at the sight of a homeless four-legged man, citizens inform the appropriate services, and those catch him and take him to the shelter.

    #12 Private Car Is a Real Luxury


    The popularity of bicycles and public transport is not only due to the ecological approach of the Danes, but also because the car and its maintenance is a really big expense. The purchase itself is burdened with a registration tax and a green owner's tax (determined by the environmental friendliness of the vehicle). Here's what, if you are buying a used car, it may turn out that it has an unpaid debt, and according to Danish law it passes to the new owner. In addition, you are required to have your vehicle inspected at all times and have a valid inspection. We are not surprised why Danes prefer bikes…

    #11 Love in Danish


    Locals don't mind showing their feelings in public. Couples hold hands, kiss and hug around every corner, and men are very sensitive and cautious about their women. The Danes believe that sentimentality does not undermine their masculinity.

    #10 People in Denmark Wear Very Simple Clothes


    The famous Scandinavian minimalism is immediately visible in the outfits of the citizens. It is very likely that you will not even notice a millionaire walking next to you on the street. Danes love simple clothes, combining only a few colors and not using many accessories. They love comfortable and practical clothes.

    #9 Students of Academic Age Do Not Have to Worry About Student Loans


    Students receive a scholarship of $900 per month, provided that they are currently enrolled and do not live with their parents. This program provides all students with an equal opportunity to study, regardless of their financial situation.

    #8 Loose Approach to Raising Children


    The youngest citizens of Denmark have quite a bit of freedom when it comes to their ideas, even the reckless ones. The same goes for clothing. During the cold seasons, Danes don't put a lot of clothes on their children and let them sleep in strollers outside. This way, children get used to the cold and harsh winters. Thanks to a strong immune system, children can walk without hats and feel great even when it is cold.

    #7 the Most Famous Blocks in the World Have Their Burger


    Lego is Denmark's most famous export product and everyone in this world knows it. Blocks are well established in many children's rooms and have their own video games and cinema hits. It is not surprising that we can order a legoburger in Denmark.

    #6 Make the Most of Warm Days


    Although there aren't many hot days in Denmark (about 2-3 months a year), citizens love to go camping, set up gardens and rest in cottages outside the city.

    #5 Danes Love to Eat Well


    In general, Danish dishes are highly calorific and nutritious. The people of this country eat a lot of potatoes and steamed or boiled vegetables, as well as a lot of pork and fish. And since Denmark is surrounded by the sea, seafood is a huge part of their diet. The most popular daily dishes are smørrebrød herring and fish cakes. Besides, Danes love sweets and especially cakes, which are present at every dinner.

    #4 You Can Travel All Over Denmark… in Minecraft


    The Danish agency Geodata recreated the whole country of Denmark in the game Minecraft on a scale of 1: 1. This is one of the largest creations in the history of Minecraft, consisting of about 4000 billion bricks and 1 terabyte of data. There were of course players who started to blow up the whole map. Tanks and American flags are being built in place of explosions.

    #3 Ecology Above all


    The strong restriction of private cars and the emphasis on bicycle and public transport is mainly due to the ecology of the Danes. Denmark is strongly committed to renewable energies, recycling and all forms of plastic reduction. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many articles marked as ecological in stores.

    #2 Making Friends Is Sometimes a Problem


    Many Danes make friends in childhood and usually for life. As adults they do not necessarily look for new ones. They will be friendly in professional situations, but that does not mean that they are interested in inviting you and your partner home for dinner. If you are interested in making friends with the Danes, the best way is to join a group - choir groups are very popular in Denmark, just like clubs. Other options include religious groups - there are often community meetings in local churches and mosques - political groups or volunteer work to teach children at a local football club or dance studio.

    #1 Danes Feel Safe


    There is a high level of safety in Denmark and the crime rate is very low. This is due not only to the mentality of the citizens, but also to the high effectiveness of the Danish services' counteraction of organised crime. The ideology of the Danish people is perfectly described by the so-called Jante's law. This term was coined by the Danish-Norwegian writer Aksel Sandemose in his satirical novel A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks. There are 10 principles that say, among other things, that people should not show how rich they are, brag about their achievements and skills, think they are exceptional or mock others.

    Did you know about these customs?

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