15 Fun Facts from All over the World. We Learn All Our Lives
7:22 AM EST, December 28, 2021, updated: 11:19 AM EST, December 28, 2021
The world is nothing but a large encyclopedia ready to be studied. Every now and then we come across something interesting or just weird.
#1 A Buddhist temple in Thailand surrounded with a gigantic dragon (in Asia they are called Lung)
#2 This is a skull of child who hasn’t lost the baby teeth yet
#3 A plastic bottle before expanding
#4 A lawn struck by a lightening
#6 A sculpture being a part of the exposition near Cancun (Mexico). Corals settle on it and consequently a new reef is formed
#7 Rivers bring life. This photo of a desert landscape proves it beyond any question
#8 Have you ever wondered what the stage looks like from behind?
#10 Golden Gate Bridge construction works. 1935
#11 A really bumpy road in southern California
#12 Did you know that there are machines that print streets?
#13 A breathtaking hill in Peru. The plants growing there give it such stunning colors
#14 Nine European kings meeting in 1910. The only photo of this kind as four years later the countries began World War 1 which brought the end to a few of the kingdoms
#15 A 600-year old gingko tree in China. These trees go yellow in the fall due to the presence of xanthophyll, a natural yellow pigment
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