15 Examples of Resourceful Design Surprising with Their Simplicity and Functionality
6:55 PM EDT, August 16, 2021
The future is here. Just think about the movies you watched 20 years ago and how you wondered whether the gadgets show there would ever become a reality. And then take a look at our world today. Landline phones are already a thing of the past while smartphones help us with hundreds of things, phone calls being just one of them.
Of course the old visions of future have become a reality in a number of other areas of our life. No wonder then that designers do their best to make even very down-to-earth items look and work in the most functional and at the same time trendy way. The collection below contains some of the most interesting designs that are bound to steal your heart. Even the most basic things can make our lives at least slightly easier. Just take a look at these simple yet very resourceful examples we have chosen.