14 Common Items That Can Cause a Fire to Break out. All It Takes Is a Split Second

    14 Common Items That Can Cause a Fire to Break out. All It Takes Is a Split Second

    5:10 AM EST, March 7, 2021, updated: 2:01 PM EST, March 11, 2021

    Sometimes fire is started by totally random objects, which at first sight do not look dangerous. Here are some unusual examples

    #1 A glass ball and books? A very bad idea…


    #2 A car owner polished his car so well that the light reflected of the wheel plates started fire and set the lawn next door


    #3 A certain model of bottle produced during the 2018 world cup was deadly effective at setting up fires


    #4 Doing the make up at the laptop. The rays reflected in the mirror and burned a hole in the laptop screen


    #5 This is how playing with a magnifying glass ended. A child set fire to an entire lawn that had been dried out over the summer


    #6 Glass spheres can strongly focus rays and make occasional holes in, say, homework


    #7 It's a good idea to measure your strength when it comes to electrical outlets. This is what happened when you tried to plug in two chargers at once


    #8 One of the main felons of accidental arson is makeup mirrors


    #9 Leaving them in a sunny place can end up with an unpleasant surprise such as a burnt-out carpet


    #10 A makeup mirror should not be near a window


    #11 Even a snowball can burn through your belongings!


    #12 Look at the lawn - it perfectly captures the phenomenon of sunlight focusing


    #13 Mirror reflected sunlight and set entire apartment on fire


    #14 Why do you need to take care of your electronics? Here's why


    #Bonus during the fires in australia, someone got unlucky while tying their shoes. A plane with a load of water apparently had to drop water due to turbulence, right on the unlucky person's head


    Remember to check where you makeup mirror is before living the house!

    See also