13 Ideas for Making Your Own Bird Feeder. Your Winged Friends Will Love it

    It must be specially hard for bird to get food over winter. Insects hide deep in various nooks and crannies, and in fruits that have fallen down from trees. That is why it is worth to help guillemots, tits, sparrows, woodpeckers, jays and redheads. For this purpose, make a feeder, which will serve as a bird canteen. It is really not difficult. For this purpose, you can use bottles, jars, cans and even oranges. Of course, if you like tinkering, you may be tempted to make a more complicated construction. Winged friends will thank you.

    13 Ideas for Making Your Own Bird Feeder. Your Winged Friends Will Love it

    #1 Feeder made of ice cream sticks. You just have to style them in different colors, make up a tower and glue them together.


    #2 Spread a thick layer of peanut butter on the roll of toilet paper and coat it in a mixture of beans


    #3 Something for the bricks fans. You can this feeder yourself or with your child


    #4 If you are a master of DIY, then construct a more sophisticated wooden feeder


    #5 This feeder is praise of simplicity. Fill any cup with hot lard and grains. Put a stick or a teaspoon into the mixture and wait until it has cooled down.


    #6 A simple plastic bottle will also work perfectly as a feeder. Cut out the holes in it, pour in the grain and mount the stick.


    #7 Another uncomplicated idea for a feeder. Fill an ordinary cutlery container with


    #8 Feeder made of colourful cans


    #9 You will make a simple feeder from half of an orange, which will look beautiful


    #10 It takes some time to make this feeder. If you like manual work, you can try to cut a hole in a small log of wood and attach a chain to it.


    #11 You can easily make such a colorful feeder with your children. Its main element is juice carton.


    #12 An ordinary jar filled with the grain will also work perfectly as a feeder


    #13 Feeder with a touch of exoticism. Pour the grains into the coconut shell and decorate them with green twigs.


    Do You Make Your Own Bird Feeders?