12 Simple Things You Might Have Been Doing Wrong All Your Life. There Are Much Easier Ways!
4:27 PM EST, January 29, 2021
Last but not least, life is all about learning, isn’t it?
#2 The best way to heat food in a microwave
Before heating food in a microwave make a small hole in the portion. This will help to spread the heat proportionally all over the plate.
#3 A quick way to clean a blender
Once your cocktail is ready, pour in some water, add a few drops of washing-up liquid and turn it on. Pour it all out and wash it well with water.
#4 The only way to pour stuff out of the carton
Let’s face it – most of us pours it out the other way round.
#9 Loading the blender is a skill
First come liquids: water, milk, yoghurt. Then solid stuff: fruit, cereal and nuts.
#10 Always store the peanut butter upside down
This is how you prevent the oil layer from forming on the top. Once you open the jar, you won’t have to bother about it.
#11 Nothing cuts soft cheese better than dental floss
#12 Put the food into the drawer and it will stay warm much longer.
It’s not only frying pans you can keep there!