10 Amazing Ways The Iron Damage the Surface Beyond Repair, Whoops…. It Wasn't Me!

    10 Amazing Ways The Iron Damage the Surface Beyond Repair, Whoops…. It Wasn't Me!

    7:34 AM EST, November 28, 2020

    Ironing is a classic activity that we usually do before we leave home. After all, crumpled clothes are not a neat piece of clothing. However, not everyone has mastered the difficult skill of ironing…

    #10 Yes, Marshmallow Dondue (fondue) at Home


    #9 Shark's Spirit or a Print of an Iron, Hard to Say


    #8 Hungry Iron Melted out The Carpet


    #7 I Wonder About the Genius That Came up With the Idea of Putting an Iron… on a Laptop


    #6 My Steam Iron Wasn't Working Properly, So I Decided to Use Vinegar, Thinking It Might Be Related to Limescales… I Think I Was Right!


    #5 It Is Worthwhile to Remove the Protective Foil Before the Iron Is Switched On


    #4 Let's Say the Iron Was Set for Decorative Purposes on the Table… Okay?


    #3 You Won't Believe It, but Someone Came up With the Idea of Grilling a Steak on an Iron


    #2 A Combination of Setting an Iron on Plastic Desk .... Well


    #1 Oops… Someone Left the Iron on the Washing Machine


    Have you ever had an ironing experience that also cost you some new furniture?

    See also